


We are a Higher Professional Institute ( UNIVERSITY ), licensed to operate in the Republic Of Cameroon. We are accredited and authorized by the MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ( MINESUP ) of CAMEROON With
Authorization N° : 12-04250/L/MINESUP/SG/DDES/ESUP/SDA/NMP and also by the MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING (MINEFOP) with Authorization N° : 00000120/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/CSACD/CBAC. We are affiliated to both National and International Partner Universities in Cameroon and Abroad.
ST THIERRY HIGHER INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY ( SHIHSAT ) is a Non-Denominational Institution created for the training and empowerment of the Weak and Vulnerable Youths as per the Vision of the Proprietor, Dr Tassang Thierry who sees a bright future in everyone. The Founding Principles of LOVE, COMPASSION AND PEACE are fundamental in our Human Society and hence our School Motto which states that ” KEYS TO SUCCESS ”
We are at the forefront of Education in Cameroon and are giving the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY For everyone to have a Professional Education and Training in the following fields:

  • Medical and Biomedical Sciences (Many Diverse Specialties)
  • Health Sciences
  • Management Sciences
  • Business and Finance
  • Education and Didactics
  • Transport and Logistics
  • Insurance Policy
  • Shipping and Port Management
  • Agriculture and Pasture
    And MUCH MORE….

ST THIERRY HIGHER INSTITUTE (SHIHSAT) is a Non-Denominational Institution and Organization with the main Objective being Empowerment and Education as the Main Keys to a Successful Life, hence the Motto " KEYS TO SUCCESS "

The Director


  • Get a National and International accredited Certificate recognized by the STATE.
  • Possibility For Dual Certificates ( 2 Certificates ) upon Graduation.
  • Programs and Specialties available for everyone, according to their Level of Education, that is : FSLC, Technical CAP, GCE Ordinary Level, GCE Advanced Level, Professional Diplomas, Bachelor’s Degree and Much More…
  • Study in a Very Secure and Safe Environment in the Heart of the Town.
  • Scholarships Available as Necessary.
  • Get a Brand New Tablet Computer on payment of First installment of Tuition Fees upon indication.
  • Perfect Study Environment with well Seasoned Lecturers.
  • Studies are made very simple to the Understanding Of all Students.
  • Modern Pedagogic Methods employed especially with emphasis on Practical Skills Aquisition.
  • Tuition Fees is Very Affordable and designed to encourage everyone get a Standard Higher Professional Education.
  • Tuition Fees can be paid in 3 installments.
  • Our Classes are Designed to enable Workers( those with jobs ) catch-up with study time at their convenience.
  • Computerized System Of Education.
  • Golden Opportunity For everyone to get a Professional Education no matter their Financial Situation and Level of Education.
  • Internships in Highly Qualified standard Hospitals and institutions in Cameroon and Abroad.
  • 4 Admission Sessions in a Year.
  • A referral Bonus of 5000 frs per Student, which will be given upon Registration.
  • ST THIERRY MEDICAL CENTER, Our Private Hospital For Hands-on Skill Aquisition For The Training of Students.